Monday, August 8, 2011

How to use this TOEFL Preparation Blog

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This book provides a variety of materials to help you to prepare for the paper version of TOEFL test. Following these steps can help you to get the most out of this blog:

1. Take the Diagnostic Pre -Test at the beginning of each section. When you take the Pre Test. Try to reproduce the conditions and time pressure of a real TOEFL Test.

(A) Take each section of the test without interruptions.
(B) Work on only one section at a time.
(C) Use the answer sheets from the back of the book.
(D) Use the pencil to completely fill in the answer.
(E) Erase any changes you make carefully. If answers are not completely erased on the actual TOEFL Test sheet, they will be marked wrong.

(F) Time yourself for each test section. You need to experience the time pressure that exists on the actual test.

(G) Play the listening recording one time only during the test.

2. After you complete the Pre-Test, you should score it, diagnose your answer and record your results.

(A) Check your score using How to score TOEFL Test.

(B) Determine which language skills you have already mastered and which need further study.

3. Work through the skills and exercises for each section, paying attention to the skills that caused you problems in the Pre-Test. Each time that you complete a TOEFL Format exercise, try to simulate the conditions and time pressure of a real TOEFL test.

(A) For listening questions, play recording one time only. Don't stop the recording between questions.

(B) For Structure Questions, allow yourself one minutes for two questions. (For example, you should take five minutes for an exercise with ten questions).

(C) For Reading comprehension questions, allow your self one minute for one question. (For example, if the reading passage has ten questions, you should allow yourself ten minutes to read the passage and answer the ten questions).

4. When you have completed all the skill exercises for a section, take post test for the section. Follow the directions above to reproduce the conditions and time pressure of a rela TOEFL Test. After you complete the Post-Test, follow the directions above to score it, diagnose your answers and record your results.

5. As you work through the course material, periodically schedule Complete tests.

1 Comentário:

nancy john said...

Importance Of The English is a main factor that involve in toefl prepearation

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